It’s difficult to define something that a) doesn’t exist and b) would look wildly different depending on each person’s perspective. Let’s start at the very beginning.
A “utopia” is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect, as outlined by Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book. Hey, wait, stop falling asleep over there!
Okay. New wave. Here we go. So this cool, hip, totally still relevant surfer dude T-More envisioned Utopia, a remote island on which important things like government, laws, social conditions, economics, and education functioned smoothly and without incident. And yet there were nightmares stirred into this imaginary life-stew: slavery, regional royalty, restricted travel, uniforms - come on, who was this guy kidding? Is an ideal state impossible? Is paradise lost before it can even be found? More's Utopia has been inspiring and confusing people ever since.
“Silly Sir Thomas More,” many progressive thinkers have said over the centuries. “We have our own visions of a ideal society, and we're gonna do Utopia right -- commune-style.” And they’ve tried. But mostly, for whatever reason -- lack of money, social chaos, political unrest, or an unforgiving environment -- their pop-up colonies collapsed. ThinkLlano del Rio, Brook Farm, Pullman ... none of these experimental societies are around today.
“Utopia” means “no place” in Greek, that’s how essentially impossible it is. But isn’t the whole point of being alive to defy expectations, to surprise yourself, to succeed where the majority assumes you’ll fail? Of course you might fail, at anything! What’s the harm in trying? And why not put all that real-life drama on TV?
Okay. New wave. Here we go. So this cool, hip, totally still relevant surfer dude T-More envisioned Utopia, a remote island on which important things like government, laws, social conditions, economics, and education functioned smoothly and without incident. And yet there were nightmares stirred into this imaginary life-stew: slavery, regional royalty, restricted travel, uniforms - come on, who was this guy kidding? Is an ideal state impossible? Is paradise lost before it can even be found? More's Utopia has been inspiring and confusing people ever since.
“Silly Sir Thomas More,” many progressive thinkers have said over the centuries. “We have our own visions of a ideal society, and we're gonna do Utopia right -- commune-style.” And they’ve tried. But mostly, for whatever reason -- lack of money, social chaos, political unrest, or an unforgiving environment -- their pop-up colonies collapsed. ThinkLlano del Rio, Brook Farm, Pullman ... none of these experimental societies are around today.
“Utopia” means “no place” in Greek, that’s how essentially impossible it is. But isn’t the whole point of being alive to defy expectations, to surprise yourself, to succeed where the majority assumes you’ll fail? Of course you might fail, at anything! What’s the harm in trying? And why not put all that real-life drama on TV?
Fifteen strangers attempt to create the perfect society on UTOPIA, coming this fall on FOX. History suggests they’ve got a tough road ahead. But people are pretty tough, too.
Sounds great! How will you do it? Find out.
Sounds great! How will you do it? Find out.
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